How to make a customized Outputpins in AnimNode in C++?

I have created customized pins like this:

virtual void CreateOutputPins() override
		const UAnimationGraphSchema* Schema = GetDefault<UAnimationGraphSchema>();
		CreatePin(EGPD_Output, Schema->PC_Struct, TEXT(""), FPoseLink::StaticStruct(), false,
		          false, TEXT("Pose"));
		CreatePin(EGPD_Output, Schema->PC_Double, TEXT("headYaw"));
		CreatePin(EGPD_Output, Schema->PC_Double, TEXT("headPitch"));
		CreatePin(EGPD_Output, Schema->PC_Double, TEXT("headRoll"));
		CreatePin(EGPD_Output, Schema->PC_Float, TEXT("eyeYaw"));
		CreatePin(EGPD_Output, Schema->PC_Float, TEXT("eyePitch"));
		CreatePin(EGPD_Output, Schema->PC_Float, TEXT("eyeRoll"));

As you can see, the output I setted Double and Float, but None of them can connected with Create Rotation Node correclty with according float values.

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