How to make a combat mode

I want to make it so that whenever I press the tab key it changes from using current blend space to an alternative blend space which would be the combat mode. How would I make it so that every time I press tab it sets the bool value to be the opposite of what it is currently? Also, How I would be able to use that bool in the animation blueprint because I cannot access it.


P.S: If there are alternative ideas to getting a combat mode I would highly appreciate that. This is probably a really nooby question anyway

How about using the Flip Flop node? Connect the ButtonOfYourChoice-Pressed Node to the Flip Flop Node, add Set YourBool and all you need now is to change the AnimBP (maybe this post will help you)

I hope I could help!

Thank you, man, you don’t how much I appreciate this. I sort of knew the method you were talking about but needed the flipflop node which I had no idea about.

Just glad I could help!