How to make a charge attack?

I’m trying to make it so when you press LShift, you start dashing forward for a few seconds, where you can turn however moving left and right is a lot slower compared to the player charging forward. Although I tried using the launch character but I wasn’t really able to make what I wanted as for starters I don’t know how to make the player dash/charge forward when pressing a button if they don’t have any velocity. So currently I just increase the player movement speed which means you have to hold down W which isn’t ideal.

Could anyone help me by either helping me or pointing me in the right direction of where to look to make this? Thanks.

I think you’re using the “Get Velocity” node and plugging that into the “Launch Character” node. What you can do instead is that you can get the player’s forward vector by using the “Get Forward Vector” node and multiply it with a big number, and then plug that into the Launch Character node.

(post deleted by author)