Hi I’m a newbie but I know I need to make some animation in order to make my character walk but my question is that what type of animation I need to make that is I need to make an animation where my character pretends to walk in the same place but does not move forward I mean to make a looping animation where character walks on the same place or I will have to make the character move forward as the character walks?
If you know any tutorial please post the link by the way I use blender, I wanna make my character walk on irregular terrain surfaces and wanna make him climb the stairs so Please help me as quick as possible…
Thank you in advance.
Hey, actually, you dont need an Animation to make a Character Walk. You just need to add a Movement component to it. If you open a New First Person Project you could easily just copy the already existing one and copy it to your project. It contains many movement methods like Walking, Flying, Swmming and some others. But you’d need to also copy the corresponding Animations, or create new ones. Or you could just fake it by adding an Offset to your Character and applying an Animation while that offset is added, and to make it Smoother, you could add a sphere component to the Bottom of you Character and get the location of the closest overlap with that Sphere and the ground and change the Vector of the Offset corresponding. This way you could make it stop walking if the Ground is too steep, or if the Sphere overlaps with a Ladder, it could change the movement value to climb that ladder. This makes it also very easy if you have wierdly shaped ladders, since you could make the Character always wanting to stay within a Specific range of the ladder, so he wont get too far away and just fall off, like it happens in many Games (even AAA titles…), unless the players wants to, for example by pressing a Button, or at certain Locations of the Ladder (Beginning/End). Hope this helps you ;).