I have a series of animations sequences of several characters that where never intended to be played outside 3DS Max.They where exported as FBX animations and imported separately in UE4. It is a non-continuous sequence where there are camera cuts for emphasis on certain actors. I have several problems integrating this scene in a real-time cut scene in UE4 where the player can walk around as the scene is played out. The least of witch is adding never before animated shot reactions to the main story shots.
So far I have made several animations in Personna for static poses and they work fairly well but at one point, one of the characters runs/jumps off a podium (out of camera view in the original series of shots) to another character on a lower floor, does something (original animated shots) then walks back( original animated shot) and jumps up to his starting position on the podium ( out of camera view).
All the new animations where done in Personna starting from the beginning and end poses of the Max animations to have a smooth flow from one to the next, so they are all at the floor level. All the characters have their animations strung together in Animation Montages so the ensemble follows the sound track as closely as possible. It also makes it possible to more or less time the whole series of actions and reaction from the different actors.
The one I’m stuck on is the jump/run back and forth on the podium.
I need to have this character move fast from his starting position, jump or fall off the podium, get to the other character, do something, then return to his starting position on the podium. I do have a walking and running blend so my problem looks like i need a way to have the main character follow a path to the other character while being able to walk/run on his own, jump off the podium and return by walking or jumping back on the podium. Because all his other animations are in a Animation Montage at floor level, I have no idea on how to get this behavior done or even if it is possible inside Animation Montage.
Any ideas or suggestions would be really appreciated.