I’m thinking of trying to make a movement system similar to the one from the game series Prototype. Something neat that that game did is that while you were sprinting you automatically jump over smaller obstacles like cars and debris. He would jump over it or sometimes jump, land, and do the second jump if it was too long, all automatically. I was just wondering if someone could give me an idea of how to recreate this system. I was thinking of doing something like a line trace that plays the vaulting animation but would like to hear some other ideas. I’m still fairly new to unreal blueprints.
Line trace was my fist thought
line trace or something like this Unreal Engine 4 Vault / Jump Over System - YouTube
That video looked extra complex haha If the character is going to “auto” jump over any obstacle like that wouldn’t it be way more efficient to just have a box collision around the “obstacle” itself and when the player overlaps perform the “vault” animation and move the player position? If there needed to be a way to allow a player to crouch behind without vaulting I am sure that could be worked out in the code some how…but running that on tick seems a bit much. I couldn’t even really follow all that script cuz he just whips around and circles things with the mouse without explaining, but whatever.
Yes that video is overly complex but it’s something procedural that you don’t need to set up for every object in the world. A box overlap would maybe make sense if it’s only need one time in one direction. This system should be build in the pawn class