How to make a Castlevania style set of steps?

@ 59 seconds of this video

@3:13 of this video

@ 51 seconds of this video

I imagine a box collision at the bottom and top of the stairs to check if you are overlapping and then pressing up or down to start “walking the steps”. Another set of animations? A spline path? Attaching the actor to something? Any ideas on this? thanks

bump bump


I have an idea for this, initial test are promising.

The stair mesh is set to ignore. Behind it and attached to it is a cube set to hidden in game. When the cube blocks it looks about right. The idea here is to have two box collisions dragged into the world at the bottom of the stairs and at the top. When at the bottom collision, if the player is overlapping and pressing UP? set a boolean to true “OnStairs?” in the character bp, now the cube is set to block and in the character have it so the logic moving you left and right is blocked, and now pressing up moves you right. When you reach the top of the stairs and are on the platform and overlap the box, the cube collision would be set back to ignore. And the boolean set to false. Then if the player pressed left and walked he would fall off the platform as if nothing was there. I guess doing down would be just the opposite, pressing down at the top of the stairs and within the top box. So far not having much luck with setting the collision, I think it is because of how I am doing it. I have once actor bp with the stair mesh and cube. And one with a box collision.

Ok forget the last post…went back to the drawing board and studied Castlevania 1 - 3 (NES), Super Castlevania (SNES), and Haunted Castle (ARCADE).

I will just be talking about going up the stairs and not going down for now (I assume it would just be opposite).

At the bottom of the stairs is the exact center of the actor (the mesh offset to match this), in UE this would be like getting the actor location and in this case dragging off the Y. Now imagine this Y point as a line going up and down to infinity. This point or Y is the C point (center). We will subtract (100 units?) from this and get A, we will add to it (100 units) and get b.

If the player’s capsule Y is between A and C they are “In A”.
If the player’s capsule Y is between B and C they are “In B”.

The Castlevania stair mechanic seems to be that if they are in A and press up, the player moves right toward the stair then moves up and right at a 45 degree or other angle up like walking up the stairs. This seems to be that even a momentary up press moves the player a small amount, first having the player move to C and then when at C moving up and right like walking up the stairs. But if they press up while in B (and not on the stairs but on the ground), they first walk left and back toward C,and then up and right at an angle.

Castlevania 1 - Seems to offer the greatest distance between the points, and the most of this momentary movement (timeline?)

Castlevania 2 Simon’s Quest - Seems to be very close to the same here as Castlevania 1.

Castlevania 3 Dracula’s Curse - Whats interesting here is you are in B and press up, rather than turning to face C and walking toward C, the character moonwalks backward to C then goes up. Distancing still feels very close here.

Super Castlevania - This feels like the distancing is very tight, and if that initial movement is there at all it is very small.

Haunted Castle - Very tight on distancing, but not as tight as Super Castlevania imo.

Off of an Axis Event MoveForward (Up,Down) and other nodes I could achieve the following result.

Setting the movement mode to flying here did do the trick, however it gets wonky pretty fast. It seems I need something like that flying mode but not. Maybe just turn the gravity off and work it out from there?