I know the question is very specific, but this is basically what I’m trying to do:
Trying to make a game inside a submersible with 3 lever/interactive objects. 1 moves an X coordinate which displays on a radar of sorts, 1 moves a Y coordinate, which is displayed as a depth gauge on the side of the radar, and the final interactive object would be a Stop/Start engine. How could I make it so when I press the ‘Stop’ engine, the terrain underneath would be both procedurally generated, and be saved for future reference? So when you exit the submersible through a hatch, the ocean floor (dependent on the Y Value) would be randomly generated. The submersible isn’t moving, as that would be far to complex for me, (Although I’ve dabbled here and there in Unreal for a year doing level design I’m still extremely new) so when the fake coordinates would say something like, " X 500" I could head back into the submersible, leave the current procedurally generated terrain (Let’s say “X 1000”) Head back into X 500, and the terrain would remain the same? First time posting on a forum, and to be honest probably to ambitious an idea.
Another idea, albeit much more simple, I have to try to get around this, is to have a terrain generated upon loading, and instead of generating/streaming new chunks every time the person stops the submersible, the landscape would move instead.
I’m very passionate about this idea/project, and any help is super appreciated