How to make a blueprint function that have two output pin with cpp

how i can make an exposed cpp function (function that have a UFUNCTION macro on it) to have two output exec pin?? i already try to use LatentInfo (so the function have an “after fired” output pin. but what i also need output pin that always fired, when the function is still in processed). anyone can help me??? (the function is like timeline function on blueprint)

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hemm. that’s interesting. but what i want is just some function in my object. (because at first i derive my class from UObject). if i derive my class from K2Node is it have a same behaviour as an UObject?? ( i mean, can i build a blueprint with that class?? and also have multi output exec function for that blueprint (function in the eventgraph)??

yeah, i think this is the only possible solution. thx for the information. :slight_smile:

I think you are looking for something like this:

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "DataTable", meta = (ExpandEnumAsExecs="OutResult", DataTablePin="CurveTable"))
static void EvaluateCurveTableRow(UCurveTable* CurveTable, FName RowName, float InXY, TEnumAsByte<EEvaluateCurveTableResult::Type>& OutResult, float& OutXY);

The important part is the meta-tag called “ExpandEnumAsExecs”. It creates one execution pin per enum value.


I can confirm Marc answer, I did it on my own project using the ExpandEnumAsExecs meta tag.

yeah, i just got it, i already now the meta ExpandEnumAsExecs (but at first i think it just can expand the input exec) - as in the kismet library. dang. why i don’t put the reference mark before. jejeje. it’s really help thx a lot!!!

Can I expand Struct As Execs?