how i can make an exposed cpp function (function that have a UFUNCTION macro on it) to have two output exec pin?? i already try to use LatentInfo (so the function have an “after fired” output pin. but what i also need output pin that always fired, when the function is still in processed). anyone can help me??? (the function is like timeline function on blueprint)
hemm. that’s interesting. but what i want is just some function in my object. (because at first i derive my class from UObject). if i derive my class from K2Node is it have a same behaviour as an UObject?? ( i mean, can i build a blueprint with that class?? and also have multi output exec function for that blueprint (function in the eventgraph)??
yeah, i think this is the only possible solution. thx for the information.
I think you are looking for something like this:
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "DataTable", meta = (ExpandEnumAsExecs="OutResult", DataTablePin="CurveTable"))
static void EvaluateCurveTableRow(UCurveTable* CurveTable, FName RowName, float InXY, TEnumAsByte<EEvaluateCurveTableResult::Type>& OutResult, float& OutXY);
The important part is the meta-tag called “ExpandEnumAsExecs”. It creates one execution pin per enum value.
I can confirm Marc answer, I did it on my own project using the ExpandEnumAsExecs meta tag.
yeah, i just got it, i already now the meta ExpandEnumAsExecs (but at first i think it just can expand the input exec) - as in the kismet library. dang. why i don’t put the reference mark before. jejeje. it’s really help thx a lot!!!
Can I expand Struct As Execs?