How to make a barrier device disappear after 5 seconds of a player spawning?

I am making a boxfights map as my very first map in UEFN. I want the players to spawn than after 5 seconds the barrier around them disappear so they can go and fight the other players. Can anyone help me? Keep in mind this is my very first day on UEFN so I don’t know what a blueprint or Verse or any of that is.

Hey smashter136,

Make sure the Barrier is set to hollow box, as spawns don’t work inside a solid Barrier.

Get a timed Objective Device

  • Time - 5s
  • Start when Round Starts - off
    set it to 5
    In its User Options Functions
  • Start, add an array element then use the eyedropper tool to select the Spawnpad and in the drop down menu to select the On Player Spawned event.

Go to the Barriers User Option - Functions

  • Disable, add the array element and select the Timed Objective Device and use the On Completed event.

This should disable the barrier 5s after the player spawns.

Alternatively if everyone starts game at the same time you can start the timer with game start.

You may need to re enable the barrier and reset the timer if you want it to use it again or do the same thing each round…