I’ve been having difficulty trying make a VR menu that uses different widget blueprints, and how to control them.
I have a multiplayer menu set up that has a Multiplayer Game Instance controlling the widgets, and upon creating a 3D widget in the level (recommended for VR), I can see it and use my Xbox controller to navigate through the main menu, but upon going to the Host menu, I can’t make it swap.
I’ve got a few different widgets that need to interact (Main Menu, Host Menu, Server Menu)
All the tutorials I found showed how to create and interact with a 3D widget, but didn’t find anything.
I either need to make the actor blueprint with the 3D widget to swap it itself or make the Multiplayer Game Instance do so (by spawning different actors, each with a widget, or the same bp actor with them all)
I also tried to do handle the menus using a Stereo Layer, but I also can’t make it swap.
Maybe using a Widget Switcher could be the path, but I also couldn’t make it swap widgets for some reason (not sure what needs to be done)
Note: I’ll be using the xbox controller for the gameplay part, so the networking part should be sufficient (player position and head position)
Some reference images:
[Multiplayer Game Instance]
[Widget BP - Main Menu]
[3D Widget inside Level]
[3D Widget inside Level - after going to host (not that the other menu spawns over it]
I’ll gladly share a link of the editor build, if anyone wants to check it.
I greatly appreciate any help on making it work.