How to lower my window size/rez

Hello, been having troubles finding proper answer to this so i started my own new topic in hopes to help me and others.
I have a very simple laptop, it slightly gets the job done when working on a project but i can’t seem to get the play and packaged game to be lower quality or at least a smaller window ( in hopes it won’t eat my laptops ram)

I have seen answers saying to go to Editor pref - play- and change the res/ window size.
Not only does that not change my launch window but it does not changed my packaged window size.

Any answer would be of great help as i cannot seem to find it out on my own.

As well, if anyone could tell me the easiest way of FINDING my packaged game that would be great.

I had to type in “(project name).exe.” in search to find it on my computer. XD

So i’m forced to play with a giant screen?
Just to be clear, i am not looking for an adjustable window size. just a permanent small window.

You’d have to program that separately in your packaged project. You could upon event begin play add a “execute command” to r.setscreenres and grab the players full screen desktop resolution and apply that to the command using “make string”.

That would be a temporary solution though.

On event begin play use the setres command and input the screen resolution you want.

Say you want 720p put the command like: r.setres 1280x720w.

The game will automatically resize and will be windowed. Ideally you’d have a launcher where you can set your settings but I don’t know how to set that up sadly.

thanks i will try that out.