How to loop/concatenat audio without glitches in 4.16?

So, 4.16 has released but I still see no possibility to loop audio in custom track w/o glitches.

Concatenator still produces pause when playing (even bigger than it was)


Blueprint still playing with glitch:

I check a lot of new plugins but failed to find something that would help me.

So, how can I loop w/o any pause or glitch in UE 4.16? Can you tell me witch exact plugin/utility should I use to mix the track?

Thank you in advance!

The new audio engine is opt-in in 4.16, try enabling it by following theses steps:

So to try out new audio engine stuff,
you’ll need to make sure your project
is set to use the audio mixer. Either
use “-audiomixer” as the command line
param or set it up in your project
config’s INI file to use it.

E.g. In

Add these lines:


The idea is that the new engine has more precise timings so concatenation (using the same setup) should be sample accurate.
It seems not to be the case yet; I haven’t checked this new version myself.

Yes, I know this. And already did it. But is a new stuff can make a mix/glue_together two tracks or custom loop of one track? I see only different new sound effects.

For me, it became even more inaccurate that it was.

I don’t know why, but after updating Substance Plugin to 4.16 version, glitches are gone…
Not in Concatenator, but in blueprints (second screenshot).