How to loop a walking animation? 5.0

Hey guys, I am new into Unreal Engine 5 and currently trying to do an animation in the level sequencer. I downloaded a walking animation from actocore and my character does a few steps forward. But the animation is only about 1.5 seconds long but my walk needs to be longer. So my question is how can I loop the animation? Because when i simply expend the animation my character gets thrown back to its starting point even if i put the position to keep afterwards.

Hi. I asked the same question a while ago. I found the answer in this course.

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Vielen Dank für die Antwort, leider habe ich keine Zugangsberechtigung für diese Seite :confused:

I’m about to record you a video on how to do it


The link may be out of date. try this one.

Big Thanks!! Thank you for your effort. This really helped me out a lot. So easy task but if you dont know it… And I answered you in german without realizing it I am sorry :smiley:

Glad I could help.
Modern translators work very well, so German is not an obstacle.

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this doesn’t work – my character still hitches between transitions

Maybe the animation is not seamless and the first and last frames do not match. Perhaps it is set in the wrong frame. check that the frame would be the last.

Looks like this link is now outdated as well, I found the updated link to this course In-Engine Animation for Virtual Production | Course

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