How to locate any components of the actor-blueprint and get access to their properties?

Hi, did you find a solution? I watched your thread last week. Now I had the same question.

How to edit the Properties/variables of a Child BP (it adds as Child Actor Component) that is inside a Parent BP - (this has been asked since 2015).

So your question is more for Mesh components, while mine is for Actor Components. What do you need to change on the Meshes, something like their Materials?

I have a partial solution to CastTo the [component] > get its [Property to change] > then set it by using a Variable in Parent BP (which is a copy of the type of Variable in the Child component).

  • (Btw using CastTo can be a bad method - it links assets together and makes it hard to switch the receiver code later. Im looking for a better method.)

See post for pics: