How to load specific url in webbrowser using widget


my code not works. I want to load specific url from third person character blueprint to widget.

Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_Array_Get_Item”. Blueprint: ThirdPersonCharacter Function: Execute Ubergraph Third Person Character Graph: EventGraph Node: Load URL


The widget is invalid.

What do you mean by the widget is invalid?

It says it right there in the error message:

“Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_Array_Get_Item”

It might be as simple as the *slot1 *not being a child of the Viewport. Uncheck *Top Level Only *and see if the error is still there.

If the error is thrown again, it means that the widget was never created in the first place or was destroyed after creation. This could happen when the owning parent gets Garbage Collected and no valid references to the pertinent widget remain anywhere else.

you have right. i resolved thanks for help.