How to load level from pak files?

Hi, I am working on loading levels from pak files. I successfully loaded widget assets, but I failed to load the level using a similar method. I placed them in the same directory, but I encountered issues:

LogLinker: Warning: Failed to load '/Game/Pak2/NewWorld': Can't find file. 

Here is my code:

    TSharedPtr<FPakPlatformFile> pakPlatformFile = MakeShareable(new FPakPlatformFile());
    pakPlatformFile->Initialize(&FPlatformFileManager::Get().GetPlatformFile(), TEXT(""));
    IPlatformFile& oldPlatformFile = FPlatformFileManager::Get().GetPlatformFile();

    if (WITH_EDITOR)
        pakPlatformFile->Mount(TEXT("D:/code_study/Content/Paks/pakchunk2-Windows.pak"), 1, TEXT("D:/code_study/Content/Pak2/"));
        GAllowUnversionedContentInEditor = true;

        pakPlatformFile->Mount(TEXT("D:/code_study/Content/Paks/pakchunk2-Windows.pak"), 1, TEXT("../../../Content/Pak2/"));

    FString worldPath = TEXT("/Game/Pak2/NewWorld");
    UGameplayStatics::OpenLevel(GetWorld(), FName(*worldPath));

BTW I am using UE 5.3. I wonder if there is any tutorial introducing how to load maps from pak files?

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Ah, the problem is solved. I should firstly load the world and then open the level.

    FString worldPath = TEXT("World'/Game/Pak2/NewWorld.NewWorld'");
    UWorld* LoadedWorld = LoadObject<UWorld>(nullptr, *worldPath);
    if (LoadedWorld)
        FString LevelName = LoadedWorld->GetName();
        UGameplayStatics::OpenLevel(GetWorld(), FName(*LevelName));
        UE_LOG(LogTemp, Error, TEXT("Failed to load world."));
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