How to load graphic settings with Blueprint?

Hi there,

I now searched several hours for a answer to a simple question (at least, I thought once it was simple):

I just want to have different sets of graphic settings. Let’s call them “low”, “medium”, “high” and “vr”. I have the list of variables and their values right here.

I just can’t find a definitive answer for:

  • WHERE exactly to place them, I need the definitve name and the path of the defintive INI-file to use
  • HOW TO LOAD a individual set with Blueprint (I need something like loadGraphicSettings(setName))

Right know I use ‘executeConsoleCommand’ for everything which can’t be the right solution.

That’s all. Please no more links to this horrific ’ Scalability Reference’, just a definitive answer if this is possible. Many, many thanks.


There no really a way to do that in nice way over blueprint currently, for now C++ is best place to do that, or else you will find plugin made by somebody (i think was doing stuff like that) that expose UGameUserSettings functions to blueprint:

And yes you can manually edit INIs and do external software that does that you can find it in /Saved/Config/Windows/GameUserSettings.ini… but im not sure how to add scaliblity there

You can also inputing settings via console commands using blueprint, i know some people does that, but again C++ is the way to go currently

Thank you, . I was really afraid of this answer…
I will just hardcode it in blueprint with console commands, it’s just way to complicated to me. Spend several days now with this problem and simply couldn’t get UE4 to load a specific set of settings in any other way.