After importing a set of tiles - seemingly without an issue, and after saving and rebooting I can see the the boundaries of the set of tiles in the World Partition window - the viewport is not showing the landscape however, and neither is the landscape visible in the WP window, only the boundary. I assume I need to load the cells - how?
Well typically was getting nowhere until just after I posted but - I now see that I can at least make a given tile visable by right clicking a LandscapeStreamingProxy in World Settings - still cant see any tile in the World Partitioning window however. This makes navigation to the correct tile a little difficult. Anyway to load previously loaded by default?
You open the world partition window, box select the cells you want to load, right click and load them.
You need to select a cell (or multiple cells) in the “World Partition” window, right-click them, and finally click “Load Selected Cells”.
Unfortunately, if you try to select a cell by left-clicking it, nothing happens (seems like a bug to me). To actually select a cell, you need to hold left-click and drag a box that intersects the cells you want to load (or unload).