I’m training with the FirstPersonProject and I can’t attach my weapon to my socket (WeaponAttachPoint) I saw what functions are used but I don’t understand how they are called in the editor (like setCurrentWeapon).
If you want to access the function you would need to expose the function by using UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = “”) to make it callable in Blueprints. If you just want access to the property you are referring to you would use UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = “”).
I understand this, but I don’t know how these functions are running in the editor. I want to follow this project sample (FirstPersonProject) and I can’t attach my weapon in my character. I saw they use “EquipWeapon” and “SetCurrentWeapon” “NewWeapon->OnEquip()”, I tried to breakpoint these, but they are never called when I run the game. So, how and when they are used for link the weapon to the character ?