How to limit number of projectiles shoot from player

I am trying to limit the number of balls being thrown by my character so I don’t have more than 5 on the screen at one and I can’t figure it out. I managed to set an integer for how many balls have been spawned and when it gets to 5 it will delay the spawn and reset the number back to 0. But it only slows how they are spawned and does not allow me to shoot up to five again. I read also that I need to decrease my projectile count when they are destroyed but I am not sure how to reference the int variable because they are in two different places.


When your ball is destroyed cast to the BP that is shooting the balls, I am guessing you are using FirstPersonCharacter. After you cast to the FirstPersonCharacter blueprint get the variable you need to alter, subtract 1, set it, then destroy the ball.

Full Res:

Hi man ,
When you try to shoot, ad an “if” and use the node “get all actor of class” , “ball” <5.
So only when you try to spawn a sphere, you check for how many balls there are in the game already , and if they are <5 he spawn it.

So you dont have to put on variables and keep track of the number yourself.

That’s so simple thanks man! I wish I knew about these methods its difficult sometimes finding what I want.

its really really hard understand how do something and why do it in that way.
This is not the perfect solution for every time.
Its almost all to you, learn+think+try .