How to limit Niagara Fluid to confines of a mesh


I’m not sure if I’m just missing something obvious. Is there a way to change the shape of the Niagara fluid water sim so that it sits inside this pool? Or is there a way to render the sim onto a plane that is the same shape as the pool?

Any help would be appreciated.

First post so may not be in the right place.

Hey there @AdammLancaster! Welcome to the community! Is that Toan from Dark Cloud? Oh man I loved that game! Fluid sim is extremely expensive performance wise and overkill for a gameplay element like the pool. Most games would fake fluid dynamics in this case. Does your use case require fully simulated fluids?

Hey thanks for your response @SupportiveEntity . That is indeed Toan, I’ve been recreating DC as a hobby for a little while.

I’m open to alternatives. I do have a a very basic mesh which has a panning texture which looks passable but I thought the 2d fluid sim would be quicker and look better than figuring out sprite effects for interacting with the water.

I’m figuring it all out as I go but it seems to perform ok. I still get 60fps when running through it.

Thanks again for responding.

Awesome, that was one of my favorite games ever! So generally the reason it’s advised not to use fluid sim in games is because while your rig can handle it pretty well consistently, not all or even most users will ever be able to, though as a hobby project that might not be your concern.

On to what I learned. The fluid simulation uses a grid system to determine where the water particles begin and how they interact, so they are locked to this grid initially in the examples. This means it’s a bit harder to just determine the shape unless you can interact with the grid (though there is no documentation for this). For reference most users I had recognize either accepted with the fluid’s base shape like this user or poured the fluid via the hose preset if you require it in 3D.

I believe the first method with the 2D pool would work best in your use case, though it will end up changing your landscape in that regard.

Extra info for other users:

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