Hi, I’m working on my first ever game and I want to have a team. Though the team is from the internet and they do have Unreal Engine 4.20, but how can I share the project to them and they can make live changes?
Try source controls like Peforce or SVN, and push your project into it and let them have access to it.
I think the main free source control software people use is “Github”, it’s free and fairly easy to use (use the “SourceTree” desktop app instead of the standard git desktop app, it’s way better…)…
The word “way better” triggers me. Do you assume only programmer exists?
Git is easier to push codes, but when come to binary files like blueprint and levels…I dont think so.
lol, I didn’t mean Github itself (it can be a bit of a pain) - but it is the only version available that offers free online repository space for people just starting out with remote project sharing… (although should note you have to pay $7 a month to have a private project only accessible by invited members). A lot of people recommend Perforce if you know up front you’re willing to pay monthly, but I think you have to contact them directly to get hosting quotes or find a third party repository hosting provider etc…
*way better - I meant that SourceTree is way better than the default “github desktop” app - it has a far cleaner and more useful user interface, and works well…