Hi, I very interested in learning how to code a polished AAA weapon system like Call Of Duty. However, I cant find any books related to it. I do found some tutorials on youtube about fps but they are too simple.
What exactly do you understand by AAA First Person Shooter Gun? I haven’t played CoD in a while.
You could have a look at the ShooterGame Example. The 2 Guns made there are pretty good.
weapon system like recoil, reloading n etc. I read somewhere that shootergame is a bad example.
Can’t say that it is a bad example. I use the weapon system my self.
It uses a state system and a base class for all weapon replication, like shooting, reloading etc. It is designed to create your weapons easily through BPs once you create the base class and the specific subclass (like projectile and instante hit weapons).
Play the ShooterGame and decide your self. I don’t think that there is a perfect weapon system and if it is, there won’t be a tutorials
yes i noe there wont be such a detail tutorials, but how does new comer learn to code such thing? im trying to create a weapon system that rely more on procedural recoil, sway so i can use any weapon without creating another animation for it. The shooter example uses a lot of animation even for the recoil if im not mistaken
The Shootergame only uses animation for the Hands. The Weapons aren’t animated for the shooting part.
When you shoot the weapon in that game, the code will play the animation of the 1P/3P Mesh. There aren’t even animations on the Weapon mesh.
A new comer should learn the basics and then have a look at other weapon systems. After that you should be able to create your own weapon system.
You can also google for “tutorials” of other Game Engines like Unity.
Although it is C#, you will get how to calculate the recoile etc.