How to Launch Character off of wall.

So I’ve got this wallrun setup, and it works well enough, except I can’t seem to get the “Jumping Off” bit to work. Ideally, when I press the space bar, it should automatically jump up and away from the wall. But unfortunately I can’t seem to get the “Away” bit and my guy just ends up lurching up the wall unless I’m expressly holding the movement key away from it.

I am assuming this is a problem with my vector math, as I have a hard time wrapping my head around the subject. I am assuming the end goal is a vector like this green one here with an arbitrary Z value:

Here’s my latest attempt:

I also tried using a reflect vector, mirror vector by normal and a Dot Product based method but I don’t know how to math out the latter (I’ve watched a lot of tutorials but just can’t get it through my skull here) and I think the former isn’t working because my forward vector and the wall’s normal vector are perpendicular?

Exactly! To achieve your goal, you can simply add the wall normal onto the cross product, or rotate the cross product but you’d also use the wall normal for that so the former would be more practical. You can divide the result of the addition by square root 2 if you want to keep the magnitude.

And you don’t need to normalize the cross product since it’s already a unit vector, because your two input vectors are unit vectors.

Hope this helps :innocent: