I’m trying to set up a dodge for my character that will move a little more and allow more control than what the root motion of my anim gives me. I hooked in my input axis but obviously that doesn’t actually move me in the correct direction. I need to somehow take into account the camera rotation, but am not sure how to go about that. thanks!
Get Pending Input Vector * LaunchVelocity should work
@Dedrick could you give me a little more? Sorry didn’t quite follow.
Actually I messed around with it a bit and “Get Last Movement Input Vector” * 10000 worked nicely.
Drag out your Character Movement Component, from that pull a Get Pending Input Vector. Then do a Vector * Float
InputVector * DesiredLaunchVelocity and plug the result into your Launch. You may want to add some Z velocity to the result as well to lift you off the ground a little
Thanks for the help!
Hmmm, is there any other way to do this? It’s conflicting with my lock on system because the last movement input is from the lock on not my gamepad.
Get Acceleration.Normalize * DesiredLaunchVelocity should work as well
This takes your acceleration in whatever WorldSpace direction and normalizes it to 1/-1 on X,Y,Z
Perfect! Thanks!