How to launch a character when in ragdoll


I’m trying to launch my character using a jump pad when in Ragdoll mode.
I’ve created a basic one (which is all I want), and if the character jumps on it, totally fine. But when the character is in Ragdoll, nothing happens.

I’ve tried using the Launch character node, as well as seeing if Add Impulse would help- nothing does. I’ve changed the settings so much I’m going around in circles! Someone did mention about launching the character via physics, but I’ve yet to find a tutorial that shows how.

The ragdoll system is bought off the marketplace, but it’s not well known, so there isn’t much documentation on that system, and the owner doesn’t know how to help.

Please can someone give me advice on how to fix this?


Try setting the capsule to not hidden in game you may see the capsule being affected while the skeletal mesh is un affected. If this is the case then you need to add impulse on skeletal mesh component not the character actor.

Thank you! I’ll have a look at doing that :slight_smile: