How to launch 1st Person?

I would like to add the Feature Content Pack 1st Person.
After adding the feature to the project, I can’t figure out how to make sure, my 1st Person Character shows up in the PLAY Mode of the game.

I was not able to find a video tutorial, that shows what you need to do in order to get this done.

Thanks for any little help!

you could drag and drop your Firstpersoncharacter in the scene and auto posses player 0.

thank you. hmm… I saw other videos, in which the gun fires little spheres… is this also in the content feature pack?
my gun isn’t firing anything… lol; well… I am talking about the players gun… :eek: :stuck_out_tongue:

I do not know why but when I imported the template from the application I do not have the projectile asset.
I have it if I create a new project using the 1st person template.
I reported the issue internally

hmm… so is there a workaround to get the projectile asset?
The thing is… I already have a project created - and after that I added the Content Feature Pack.

Would be super cool to get this done. By the way… would other assets react to the fired projectiles of the gun?
Or do I have to change something on a specific mesh… letting the engine know to react?

thank you so much!

I haven’t attempted this, but I’d assume that you could make a new project from the template, and then migrate the needed assets into your existing project.