I would like to add the Feature Content Pack 1st Person.
After adding the feature to the project, I can’t figure out how to make sure, my 1st Person Character shows up in the PLAY Mode of the game.
I was not able to find a video tutorial, that shows what you need to do in order to get this done.
thank you. hmm… I saw other videos, in which the gun fires little spheres… is this also in the content feature pack?
my gun isn’t firing anything… lol; well… I am talking about the players gun… :eek:
I do not know why but when I imported the template from the application I do not have the projectile asset.
I have it if I create a new project using the 1st person template.
I reported the issue internally https://issues.unrealengine.com/issue/UE-80227
hmm… so is there a workaround to get the projectile asset?
The thing is… I already have a project created - and after that I added the Content Feature Pack.
Would be super cool to get this done. By the way… would other assets react to the fired projectiles of the gun?
Or do I have to change something on a specific mesh… letting the engine know to react?
I haven’t attempted this, but I’d assume that you could make a new project from the template, and then migrate the needed assets into your existing project.