I am trying to add score when actor is tapped and show restart button when screen is tapped without actor. Here is what i tried as hit and try. I tried a lot but cannot find the solution. Error free update of my event graph would be big help. Thanks!!
There’s no need to run this non-stop 100 times per second using a timer. Run it only when the touch lands. This script should be, ideally, in the Player Controller:
Alternatively, you could implement it in the touched actor with Event TouchEnter
and Enabled Touch Over Events
but then you’d still need to implement the missed touches elsewhere. Best do it all in the PC, as above.
No response is seen while tapping on actor or on screen. Should i specify the touch 1 somewhere? Is the collision presets correct?
By default Touch is using Visibility this component is not blocking. It’s also not uncommon to dedicate a separate channel / object type to that kind of thing.