I’m using a media player to play a video within my level, after the video ends I want to open a new level. I used ‘Bind Event On End Reached’ node shown below.
This code doesn’t work, it just opens the next level straight away on Begin Play. I don’t think i’m using the On End Reached correctly, if anyone knows how I can solve this please let me know.
So i’m assuming what I’m asking for is not a feature of ue5 as no one knows an answer. I decided to load the next level using an event node in the Level sequencer, I placed this node at the end of the sequencer which is also the same length as my media player video (For the purpose of what I’m doing I used a level sequencer).
So to answer the original question, media players are not flexible, use a level sequencer if possible or try and using something with more functionality, read up on different options you could try.