What is the best LOGIC to know if a Blueprint(Class) is on the level?
Should I be using a BOOL, like [IsPowerUpOnLvl] = TRUE ?
Or is there a Node that can find this out in UE4.
Also, should this BOOL [IsPowerUpOnLvl] be on the level blueprint or a"MyGame" blueprint or done on the Powerup Blueprint itself, although I destroy blueprint when picked up. So not sure which blueprint to store this value.
Sounds like your attempting to create Power Up items on the floor. The best way to handle this is not to use the Level Blueprint. Instead, I would suggest creating a Blueprint Item that players pick up. This Blueprint Item would contain variables that would then be communicated to the Player upon pickup.
So a quick example of this would be to create a function within your Character that enables the results of the Power Up. Then in the Power Item, you have OnBeginActorOverlap which will return the Character that overlapped it. The Power Item would attempt to cast to your Custom Character class. Then pick from the Cast Actor and call the function which enables the power up. Then the Power Up Item destroys itself.
Let me know if this is something you were looking for. There is other ways to do this, but this one is a more direct approach.
I think easiest way will be keep in track how many of power ups are in world (or else there can be only one ten you can use bool). In game mode blueprint you create int varable (or bool) and in power up actor you set this variable, on begin play event you plus 1 on destroy event minus 1 (or true on begin or false on destroy). There should be node to get access to gamemode class search in libery