When i teleport my players to a receiving teleporter by using Verse, it seems they loose all their coins…
But they don’t loose their coins when players are entering a teleporter (without Verse instructions)
Thank you for your help.
When i teleport my players to a receiving teleporter by using Verse, it seems they loose all their coins…
But they don’t loose their coins when players are entering a teleporter (without Verse instructions)
Thank you for your help.
Hi UNREG, can you show your code ? Also make sure there’s no Direct Binding done inside UEFN with these devices ?
Hey frero ! ahah
Here is my code :
EndRound1(TeleportedAgent: agent)<suspends> : void =
# Calculer le seuil à atteindre
var ThresholdToReach: float = AllPlayersCount * 2.0
var PlayersTeleported1:float = PlayersTeleported * 1.0
var AllPlayers : []agent = GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()
var NonQualifiedPlayers : []player = array{}
if (PlayersTeleported1 >= ThresholdToReach):
# Afficher le message HUD
Sleep(7.0) # Pause pour permettre au message d'être affiché
set AllPlayers = AllPlayers
set Teams = GetPlayspace().GetTeamCollection().GetTeams()
var MaybeTeam4 : ?team = option{GetPlayspace().GetTeamCollection().GetTeams()[3]}
if (ValidTeam4 := MaybeTeam4?):
for (Player : GetPlayspace().GetPlayers()):
MaybeFortCharacter : ?fort_character = option{Player.GetFortCharacter[]}
if (ValidFortCharacter := MaybeFortCharacter?):
MaybeAgent : ?agent = option{ValidFortCharacter.GetAgent[]}
if (ValidAgent := MaybeAgent?):
if (GetPlayspace().GetTeamCollection().IsOnTeam[ValidAgent , ValidTeam4]):
# Player is on Team4
Please don’t judge my excessive indentation
EDIT : No event biding on theses devices.
Salut man!
So, it seems that you’re really just teleporting the players, which is really strange. Can you check that those values are the same as mine :
Also be sure to check the Functions AND Events in UEFN :
In your Island Settings, this should be unchecked (not like mine) :
I guess you could double check all your devices that affect Player’s inventory, so Class Designers, Class Selectors, Team Inventory And Settings devices, Round Setting Devices.
Finally, I took time to reformat your code, since it could be really shorten as you also noticed, I find it a bit more readable, maybe you will prefer too :
TeamCollection := GetPlayspace().GetTeamCollection()
set Teams = TeamCollection.GetTeams()
if (ValidTeam4 := Teams[3]):
for (
Player : GetPlayspace().GetPlayers(),
ValidFortCharacter := Player.GetFortCharacter[], # 'for' filter, appliqué à chaque iteration (comme un if)
ValidAgent := ValidFortCharacter.GetAgent[], # 'for' filter
TargetTeleporter := if(TeamCollection.IsOnTeam[ValidAgent , ValidTeam4]) then TeleportDropR2_1 else TeleportDropR2_2 # 'for' filter
EDIT: This can work the same way instead I think :
if (ValidTeam4 := Teams[3]):
for (
Player : GetPlayspace().GetPlayers(),
TargetTeleporter := if(TeamCollection.IsOnTeam[Player , ValidTeam4]) then TeleportDropR2_1 else TeleportDropR2_2 # Player is an Agent, and we assume he's valid, I don't think the Teleport function will crash if he isn't anyway
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