How to keep camera lock, but not let it affect player movement

Hi all, I want to keep the camera lock onto the target, but without it affecting the player movement.
As you can see in the video, when I have the camera locked onto the target, the player will always move towards the target (1st part of the video)
In the 2nd part of the video I show how I would like the roll to be, but then obvious with the camera locked, not as it is in the video.
Does anyone know how to do this?

Thanks, help is much appreciated :smiley:

Hey @Faze_Kaas,

Do you mind if we see your blueprints for your third person character so we can better see how everything is being implemented? It may be as simple as disabling the character’s turning while the roll animation is being played. Here is a solution adjacent to what you are looking for:

I hope the above points you in the right direction, and any additional information you can provide will go a long way in solving your problem!

Hey thanks for the reply,


This is all I have, I tried the link you send me, but that did not work.
The roll is forward, the player just rotates towards the boss constantly, so it turns mid roll, but the roll is still forward

If anyone know how to fix this, I would appreciated it a lot

Hi, I figured out it was the Controller Rotation Yaw node that made my character turn constantly, so I disabled that during the roll animation, and enabled it after again, however now the player snaps back facing the AI, do you perhaps know how I can make the player turn, instead of it snapping 180 °?

How to make it smooth - YouTube


Hey @Faze_Kaas

I found this non-Epic affiliated video that directly addresses the method you are using and how to get smooth rotation:

I hope the above contains the solution you are looking for!

Hey @Quetzalcodename thanks for the reply, sadly it only works when the player is standing still + when I press the button it only does it once, not constantly

This fixed it
Thanks for the help and time :slight_smile:

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