How to joint position control


I’m recently working on move robot joints in unreal engine. I tried to realize it by physics constraint but it looks only provides velocity control not positional control.
Is there any way for control joints by positional controller?

Hey @koki.ishimoto! Welcome to the Forums!

Are you referring to fine control of joints and bone movement? If so, have you taken a look at setting up a Control Rig for your robot? It will allow you to finely tune and move every joint on your model. Check out the documentation below:

Any additional specifics you can provide will go a long way in solving your problem!

Thank you Quetzalcodename!
What I want to do is to move the joints from the keyboard/controller input in real time. I’m trying this with PoseableMeshComponent, but it has some problems. The main problem is that PoseableMeshComponent doesn’t have Collision mesh. Can I solve it by PoseableMesh or using Control Rig?

In my understanding, ControlRig controls AnimBlueprint and AnimBlueprint doesn’t have direct input node from keyboard/controller during runtime.