Hi im following a book called “learning c++ by creating games with UE4” and i can’t handle this map. I decalred a TMap in Avatar.h
The map is meant to be an inventory:
TMap<FString, int> Backpack;
then when trying to iterate the map in Avatar.cpp
for (TMap<FString, int>::TIterator it = Backpack.CreateIterator(); it; it++)
FString fs = it->Key + FString::Printf(TEXT("x %d"), it->Value);
UTexture2D* tex;
if (Icons.Find(it->Key))
tex = Icons[it->Key];
hud->addWidget(Widget(Icon(fs, tex)));
I get the following error:
F:\Unreal projects\MyProject2\Source\MyProject2\Avatar.cpp(96): error C2676: binary ‘++’: ‘TMapBase::TIterator’ does not define this operator or a conversion to a type acceptable to the predefined operator
I cant find a solution and its killing me.