The goal is to make a weapon that spawns 6 inactive projectiles using a vector array, and then have them ‘spread’ to a maximum location, before activating when let go and firing toward an impact point through line trace…
The problem I’m having is how exactly can I control these 6 projectiles, to, most likely, vinterp them to the maximum position? I’ve been stumped over this for a while and is literally the only thing I would need help with to get this weapon’s functionality working. The only thing I’ve tried so far is a timeline, which failed. Obviously holding the button down this way would spawn 6 projectiles every second, vinterped.
You can try using projectile velocity component, spawning projectiles with it being deactivated and activate it on every projectile when unpressing mouse. You’ll need to spawn them facing right directions i.e. where to you want your projectiles to fly.
This is a great start and allows me to have more control over the projectiles, Thank you.
My issue now is how do I control the rotation of the projectiles to fire toward the location of the line trace? Currently trying lookat locations but unsure of how to control the projectile directly.
What are you line tracing exactly? You can try using fixed position for projectiles if they only spawn in one way. If there are 6 of them, that means 3 spawn to the right of gun and 3 to the left, you can get gun’s forward vector and rotate projectiles in pairs, e.g. the first pair rotate like 10 degrees, next 30 and the last 45 or something like that.