How to instantiate an actor C++

I have tried this:

	static ABasePlayer* Instantiate(const UWorld* world)
		UClass* player = ABasePlayer::StaticClass();
		return world->SpawnActor<ABasePlayer>(player, FVector(0.0f, 0.f, 0.f), FRotator(0.0f, 0.f, 0.f), FActorSpawnParameters());

and this:

	static ABasePlayer* Instantiate(const UWorld* world)
		return world->SpawnActor<ABasePlayer>(ABasePlayer::StaticClass(), FVector(0.0f, 0.f, 0.f), FRotator(0.0f, 0.f, 0.f), FActorSpawnParameters());

and this:

	static ABasePlayer* Instantiate(const UWorld* world)
		return world->SpawnActor<ABasePlayer>(ABasePlayer::StaticClass());

and lots of other stuff too.

The compiler says:

Error	1	error C2663: 'UWorld::SpawnActor' : 2 overloads have no legal conversion for 'this' pointer	E:\Documents\Unreal Projects\TemplatePlatformer\Source\TemplatePlatformer\Public\BasePlayer.h	37	1	TemplatePlatformer
Error	2	error C2663: 'UWorld::SpawnActor' : 2 overloads have no legal conversion for 'this' pointere:\documents\unreal projects	emplateplatformer\source	emplateplatformer\public\BasePlayer.h(37) : error C2663: 'UWorld::SpawnActor' : 2 overloads have no legal conversion for 'this' pointer	e:\documents\unreal projects	emplateplatformer\source	emplateplatformer\public\BasePlayer.h	37	1	TemplatePlatformer

I have followed:

I am running:

Unreal Engine 4.6

Have you tried to remove const from world parameter?

ddvlost… You are a sexy beast… I hope you realise that… I literally ignored the **** out of that const for the entire time… Oh the embarassment, the shame… woe is me, woe… is… me. Thanks browskie muchosovsky!