How to increase the text size in the interface?

I installed the new 5.0.0 prev1. It seems to me that now the font has become unreadable, it is very small. Difficult to read text 10 pixels high and all anti-aliased. The letters just merge into a heap. I didn’t notice this in the previous version. How to enlarge text? Impossible to use. After all, most modern programs can do this!
I have a 24" monitor.

1 use the key sequence together of “Control + Shift + W”
change the Application Scale parameter.

2 You can use a font with better readability.
replace …\UE_5.0\Engine\Content\Slate\Fonts\Roboto-Regular.ttf
for example Montserrat-Bold.ttf
its better for me


Thank you! I really appreciate this answer

Is there anyway to default that or is the only way to do it every time the engine launches?

Edit > Editor Preferences > Search Application Scale