How to Import The Downloaded QuixelBridge assets?

Hi, I recently started to learn landscaping things,

and I’ve already downloaded some QuixelBridge assets since they claimed that they are going to charge for them

Like other free assets on Fab, it’s a ZIP file, how should I use them?

I tried importing into QuixelBridge APP, then export to UE5, but the plugin only supports up to 4.27,
the file structures like the picture showing below,

Or should I use 3rd part Apps like blender? like import to Blender then export to UE5?

Hey there @Online_Learner_iHdP1! Welcome back to the community! The bridge program is deprecated indefinitely, though the plugin inside the engine will likely remain functional until Fab has feature parity. However since you got it from Fab, you’ll want to use the Fab plugin inside the engine itself.


For certain assets, you may have to import them manually depending on their format, though almost all assets have integration.