How to import static mesh and have the pivot point at the objects origin in Blueprints

Not having the pivot point centered with the static mesh in BP makes it difficult to align objects quickly. Is there an importing trick to reset the origin before adding content to the browser?

Import to the blender and adjust the location of your mesh manually. The location on 0,0,0 in Blender will represent the pivot point in Unreal Engine.

So, wherever you want the pivot point to be, translate it to 0,0,0 location in Blender and re-import to Unreal.

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You can edit the pivot with the UE5 Mesh editing tools (and bake it once set)

Another option is rdMeshTools on the marketplace, it can quickly do it to bulk items at once with a few mouse clicks.

Hey there @mtderosier! Welcome back to the community! I would usually recommend setting the pivots before exporting your modeling program, as while UE has some modeling mechanics they aren’t nearly as robust, it’s much easier to make sure your pipeline handles this before or during your export.

That said if you already have tons of assets you need to reset their pivots already, I’d still recommend running some form of batching in Blender to do it over Unreal. While you could (with some skill) write a script to take assets in bulk, put them through the mesh utilities, set their pivot, and resave the updated asset, there’s no native function for it, and you’ll have to use third party plugins like Recourses’.

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