How to import rigged model from blender to unreal engine with "Armature" root bone?

Hi! I’m export rigged model from blender with “Armature” root object(screenshot №1). When I import to ue4/ue5, there’s root bone is “Hips” (screenshot №2). If I rename “Armature” to “Armature1” (screenshot №3) - when i import it to unreal, there’s root bone is “Armature1”(screenshot №4). Maybe somebody know how to import rigged model to unreal with root bone name - “Armature” without creating another bone, just use root object “Armature” from blender? (attached export blender and import unreal settings in screenshots №5 and №6).

have you tried naming the armature “root” ? this should do the trick.

cheers :vulcan_salute:

Yep, it did. But I need “Armature” name for root bone.

i use blender 3.4 but it should work in all the same

just a simple model…
in unreal

where root is the name of my armature in blender, or do you need the name armature in you logic ?

cheers :vulcan_salute:

ok indeed strange, seems like armature gets erased by engine? if you make it _Armature it works, if you write all lower case it gets removed… i will mess more with it tomorrow :slight_smile:
in unity 3d it will work and be called Armature… maybe because of unreals structure for skeletal meshed… they all start with root/… and go on

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yep, i need armature name in my logic. I thought like you that engine erase Armature for some reason.

I tried lowercase before Armature, but engine didn’t remove lowercase.

It’s been a year, so I doubt you still need this, but I’ll reply anyway for anyone that happens upon this page through Google.
To answer your main question, it’s likely impossible to import an armature into Unreal that has its root called “Armature” without Unreal removing that root, because that is a band-aid fix that was specifically implemented in an attempt to fix an “extra root issue” that happens when importing rigged characters from Blender. Basically, the Armature Object in Blender becomes a bone, the root, when brought into Unreal, and that’s a problem if the rig already has its own root, so to prevent that they added a check that verifies if the first bone in the hierarchy is called “Armature”, and if it is, it then gets removed, and the hierarchy starts from the next bone over. MAYBE if you had a second root also called “Armature” it could work, I haven’t tested that, but this is the explanation for the behavior you’ve been seeing.