How to import PLY (point cloud) in UE5?

Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone knows how to import point cloud files that are in .ply format.

Is there any good plugins or method I can use? ONly thing I can found in Google search is like 4 years old.

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There is XV3DGS on GitHub, but I don’t know… They don’t really open their source code, so you’ll have to decide whether you’ll risk it.

Hey there @ArkLade! Welcome to the community! Point cloud support for the point cloud plugin in Unreal is limited to the file types listed below. If possible, could you export/convert the point cloud data into one of these file types? Previously (UE 4.27) there were plugins for .ply support for pulling to cascade, but since then I haven’t seen another plugin support it.

Supported Point Cloud File Formats

A point cloud is a set of data points where each point is defined by its XYZ coordinates and, optionally, its color. Unreal Engine supports the following point cloud file formats:

Extension Description
*.xyz, *.pts, *.txt General types of ASCII point cloud file formats that can contain either: Point coordinates (X Y Z for each point, expressed in meters) Point coordinates plus colors, (X Y Z R G B for each point).
*.las, *.laz LAS is a public file format for the interchange of three-dimensional point cloud data between users. Although developed primarily for the exchange of LiDAR point cloud data, this format supports the exchange of any three-dimensional X, Y, Z tuplet. This binary file format is an alternative to proprietary systems, as well as to generic ASCII file interchange systems, and is widely used. LAZ files are compressed LAS files. They are much smaller, but their import is also proportionally slower. Unreal Engine supports 8-bit, 12-bit, and 16-bit LAS / LAZ files.
*.e57 E57 is a compact, open-source file format that stores and exchanges 3D imaging data such as point clouds, images, and metadata.