How to import components with shared control points?

I have aligned my components, added ground control points and realigned… but now when I import them together to do a merge, instead of recognizing them as the same points (they were imported to each component from the same .csv file and have the same names), RC has duplicated them. How do I get RC to recognize points from the imported components as being the same?

Hi NC3D,
do those GCPs have the same name? Is it the same also in the same project?
If so you can drag&drop them in 1Ds view.

Yes, they have the same names – I imported and set the same points, but I set the points in separate projects and exported the components as a way of managing the different image sets.

I expected that when I imported a component with named control points that RC would treat them as the same points and not rename them.

So, do control points have to be created in the same project for them to be recognized as the same when components are (re) imported?

there is a theoretical possibility that points will have the same name and will be in various components.
So, after components import you should see which CP belongs to which component:
If you want to merge them, you need to drag&drop the same points to one as on the attached video.
2023-06-22 09-18-15.mkv (4.0 MB)

Perfect - thank you!

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