How to Import blender LED billboard into UE5

Hi guys Im learning blender and Unreal engine at the moment. I would like to know if it would be possible to import this LED sign ( How to make an LED sign in Blender - YouTube ) into unreal engine? Help would be greatly appreciated. Totally new to Unreal engine so not sure how to go about it. I have imported it into UE5 but not sure where to go from there In blender it a bunch of LED’s and when you link a object or mesh to it the LED’s will light up to the shape of the object as seen below

I have a file on a different form Ill add here

I tried asking there but they dont want to help since it involves Unreal Engine
Hopefully I can get some help over here

There are a couple of different way’s to achieve this. As an example you could uv map it as a square to the front of the “led panel”. Then render that square as an image with the led’s unlit. and render that square with only the led’s that you want as white and the rest of the render as black. then in unreal you create a material with the unlit image as base albedo texture and use the lit led texture as a mask to multiply it with a color plugged into the emissive slot. that way you can use the multiply node to turn on/off or change intensity of led’s on the model. if this explainer is too complicated i would suggest taking a look at the ue documentation on materials( example on emissive)Using the Emissive Material Input in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

Thank you so much for the tip.
I’ll try it out as soon as I can and let you know how it went :grinning:

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