How to import a Skeletal mesh without skin? (to skin inside unreal)

Hello, i want to bind the skin in unreal engine 5.4.1.

What i’ve done:

  1. Selected my none skinned mesh and the skeleton in maya 2025
  2. Exported selected to FBX with animation box checked
  3. imported into unreal and checking the box to import skeleton, but kept the skeleton “none” so it will imported the one with the mesh

What i’ve got:
Only the mesh, no bones.

I want to skip skinning in maya and bind it in unreal, how can i get the skeleton in unreal without binding it in maya?


You can’t.
A skeletal mesh requires a minimum of 1 tris like evry other mesh object in the history of everything anywhere.

Also you can’t “skip skinning in maya”. Go and whatch some tutorials on how to make characters so you get an idea of how things work…

thanks for the information.

I was skinning in maya, i want taking it out of my pipeline.

Guess i will create the skeleton in unreal, then i can bind it