Hi everyone, I am looking for a way to import height map of a large area, let say 1000 x 1000 km but I can’t figure out how to do that. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
do you want to import real world location ?
yes, I do
then follow this
first go to http://gdex.cr.usgs.gov/gdex/
you will see a log in option on top of a map
click it and login with earth data
Create an account if you don’t have one
drag and select the area
then download in whichever format you like .
Sorry forgot to tell how to import . to ue4 .
I’ll tell you about .jpg format as I use it .
convert to .png format using photoshop tool . If you like you can super impose with a black layer , scale , fix ,the image if you like to which I generally do not do but you should try. then go to the landscape tool in the modes menu then U can make out on your own I guess that you have to select an image and then scale and import the landscape.
What size of image do you scale to import the landscape? 4033x4033 is that right?
That is your choice . just keep all the scales locked i.e. keep the scales X, Y ,Z constant . But, if you are using the above indicated method I would recommend not highlighting too much area at a time . Try to keep it as simple as possible . Use the google maps will ya to get exact coordinates of the place you search.
Keep between 1000 to 1500.
Well that is only my personal suggestion .