How to import a mesh created in Blender into UE4 as a skeleton mesh that refers to Grayman's skeleton

I would like to make a skeleton mesh with Greyman’s skeleton set like the shoes below. How should I realize it?

I made the following hat in Blender. Only mesh.

Is it possible to export this mesh with fbx, specify Grayman’s skeleton like shoes when importing to UE4, and import it as a skeleton mesh? ??

What I want to do in the end is to place it under the mesh of the TPS character as shown below and treat it as a removable ornament.

I’ve been thinking about it and verifying it in various ways, but I can’t see an approach that can be said to be “this”, so I’d like to ask questions, consultations, and opinions.

Hello! Hat is not deforming by character sekelton, it is just changing transform (Am I right?). Why dont just connect it to some character’s socket or bone?


Hello! Thanks for your comment.
The reason I didn’t use it as a socket is that the mesh of the clothes penetrates during the animation.
Certainly, if it is only a hat, it seems that there is no problem just by attaching it to the socket, but I think that problems will occur unless shoes and jackets are made of skeletal mesh, so I thought about making hats also skeletal mesh to give a sense of unity. I did.

Ok, if that is your choice then just import both Skeleton and Hat to Blender, set skeleton as Armature for Hat (select skeleton, select Hat, after that Ctrl + P, with empty groups), set skinning weights for Hat vertices (go to Edit mode, check vertex groups and fill appropriate group with selected vertices), check that it is work well while transforming bones. After that just import Skeletal Hat to engine.

Thank you for your polite explanation!

import both Skeleton and Hat to Blender, set skeleton as Armature for Hat

In order to attach the skeleton to Hat, I fbx exported Grayman from UE4 and imported it into Blender.

From here, I am trying to break the parent-child relationship between the Armature and Grayman meshes and recreate the parent-child relationship with the Hat mesh.

I will try it by trial and error for a while.

I succeeded while referring to this article!

Thanks to your polite advice. Thank you!

This question has been resolved thanks to @Kehel18 's advice.

I brought the UE4_Mannequin skeleton to Blender and rebuilt the parent-child relationship.