How to implement WebSocket.

how can I implement WebSocket with inbuilt plugin.(Experiential WebSocket networking plugin) or any other free plugin’s which are available. Version is 5.2.1.

how can I send information and receive a audio URL in return using WebSocket.

Thank you.

Can you repost your reply.

My answer was in c++ and thus was wrong, I didn’t see it was in blueprint section.

Websocket networking plugin: This not to expose websocket to blueprint. It’s a replacement for traditionnal/platform sockets used in unreal engine networking system. It’s invisible to you in blueprints, you use the same replication, event/vars…

Other plugins: You may need a third party plugin to achieve this in blueprint directly.

Take care i don’t know is they are up to date and safe to use.

Code: This is most easy and safe alternative, in c++, you don’t need additionnal plugin to use websocket, you just need the module.

I also recommend you to bind on OnRawMessage() to add chunk data into a uint8 audiobuffer for your audio stream.