How to implement two gamepads with Blueprint - solved

I’ve got two actors with the same actor blueprint and want to control each of these actors with their own controllers.

This is the whole Actor Blueprint:

On the top (Event BeginPlay) for the “Enable Input” function I’m able to define a controller. But this seems to be not possible for “Get Gamepad Left Thumbstick Y-Axis” etc. on the bottom. How do I define which gamepad input is selected for those?

The blueprint is set up like described in the “Virtual Puppeteering and Input Based Animation” course.
Virtual Puppeteering and Input Based Animation | Course

This is the Even Graph of the Anim Blueprint:

and this the AnimGraph of the same Anim Blueprint:

Just noticed: This errors is displayed when I enter play mode:

Blueprint Runtime Error: "Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_GetPlayerController_ReturnValue". Node:  Set Head Up Down Graph:  EventGraph Function:  Execute Ubergraph ABP Biped Unreal Blueprint:  ABP_Biped_Unreal
Blueprint Runtime Error: "Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_GetPlayerController_ReturnValue". Node:  Set Head Left Right Graph:  EventGraph Function:  Execute Ubergraph ABP Biped Unreal Blueprint:  ABP_Biped_Unreal
Blueprint Runtime Error: "Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_GetPlayerController_ReturnValue". Node:  Set Eyes Left Right Graph:  EventGraph Function:  Execute Ubergraph ABP Biped Unreal Blueprint:  ABP_Biped_Unreal
Blueprint Runtime Error: "Accessed None trying to read property CallFunc_GetPlayerController_ReturnValue". Node:  Set Eyes Up Down Graph:  EventGraph Function:  Execute Ubergraph ABP Biped Unreal Blueprint:  ABP_Biped_Unreal

Found the solution and am posting here if anybody runs into the same problem:

  1. You’ve got to tell the engine that there are multiple players (I thought this was automatic, since 1 controller was recognized automatically)
    → this can be solved by creating local players in the Level Blueprint:

  2. then you can duplicate the first actor in the map and assign an other controller number to it (I had 0 for the first one and 1 for the second one) - and it works.

This video showed how to do the setup pictured above: