How to implement the rush turbulence VFX ?

Hello! I’m a newbie in Unreal Particle System. And nowadays I was trying to make VFXs for a flying shooting game.
I wonder how to implement the VFX(As shown by the red arrow) below ? This image is from Everspace…

Sorry for my pool English, I don’t known how to describe this VFX, so I just call it “The rush turbulence”.
Any of your suggestions will be truly appreciated !

what if you just have an emitter parented to the camera and have that spit out long particles and have them move towards the camera?

Thanks for the advise !
Maybe the basic concept is like you say. Then how to implement this kind of effect with Cascaded ? By beams or ribbons ?
And I noticed that in the middle of the screen, there are some effects like refraction, thus giving the player incredible sense of reality.
I think this VFX must be common in Flying games or Racing games.

you could try any method
if it’s just pre-renderd scene one method isn’t better than the other as long as it looks right.

if it’s games, you may have to juggle the best looking method with the limitations of the target device